Even COVID-19 has its silver linings for these military spouses

The coronavirus pandemic has brought so many challenges for military families — from extended deployments, to delayed PCS moves, to job losses for spouses.

But for the March iteration of our monthly good news show, “Happiness Deployed,” we asked the military community to send us videos of some good things that have happened in the past year.

For military spouse, veteran and mental health counselor Richelle Futch, it was seeing how telehealth has become more mainstream and helped people who would not have otherwise had access to care. Army spouse Lori Green was able to put her stimulus checks toward growing her farm, where she grows food to give away to people in need.

For other military spouses, it was the extra time to work on their businesses. Newlywed military spouse Callie Meredith was able to get her “Call to Marriage” podcast up and running. And friends and neighbors Amy Dobbins and Sarah Murphy in Japan saw their dream to create children’s books for military kids become a reality as they were stuck at home during quarantine.

Watch our latest episode of “Happiness Deployed” for more silver linings and good news.


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